The Master Plan Committee was very busy working on improving the Waterfall at the Entrance to the Community throughout 2021 and 2022. First, the Board approved the recommendation to hire a Landscape Architect to develop a design concept for the waterfall and pond. The approved design concept will improve our community's safety, access, and aesthetics at this key Lansdowne Blvd entry feature.
Phase 1 of this project to drain and clean the ponds is nearly complete, along with the cleaning and repointing of the stonework steps. Other updated features will include:
- New pumps
- Lighting to highlight the waterfall at night
- An aerator fountain in the lower pond
The last step is to refill the pond.
UPDATE: As of 2/4/22, we are thrilled to announce that we have completed Phase 1 of the Central Park Updates and the pond is refilled! We look forward to beginning Phase 2 soon!